Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Joy of Ukuleles

In 2003, Bill Robertson released a wonderful documentary entitled Rock That Uke, a tribute to the ukulele and its unique sound, and the mystique that surrounds not only its musical qualities but its size and shape. Bill Robertson explained that much of the enjoyment uke players have is in the simple act of holding the instrument.

As he points out in the film, a ukulele "[is] about the size of a human infant". And just like an infant, a ukulele is held close to the chest, near the heart, as if you were cradling a baby.... which probably seems a little sappy. You have this small, wonderful instrument that you're shielding from harm which in turn gives you a real sense of purpose.

But what most people remember is that distinctive sound. Pleasant, innocuous, unrelentingly cheerful. It always has that same sound, no matter who may be playing it - such as Taylor Mac, who recently performed with a ukulele at the Dallas Undermain Theatre. As Taylor Mac pointed out, the sound of a ukulele takes us back to a time in our youth when "nothing is our fault". Such memories can only leave you feeling happy.

Not only that, but the ukulele's four strings have a high end but no opposing low end, as my ukulele guru Bill Robertson is quick to mention. So what you end up with is that distinctive "plink quality," as Robertson describes it. As your playing, all of the sound is in the upper range, so you don't have that "bass sort of support that a guitar has, that robust sound." With a ukulele, you have only the high sounds, which create a "very childlike quality that conveys a certain innocence."

Fans of the ukulele will cite other reasons for its popularity, most notably it's low cost, easy portability and a simplicity of style that almost anyone can learn to play. For those just starting out, a soprano ukulele will run about $30 to $40. For more advanced players looking for a custom instrument or collectors who enjoy an instrument made with finer woods or with inlays, the cost can run into the thousands of dollars.

If you are just a beginner, never fear, this is an easy instrument to learn how to play, as any die hard uke player will tell you. Master Uke player Levine of the Dallas Ukulele Headquarters insists that he can "teach anyone to play the ukulele in about 15 minutes". In fact, each class begins with a 15-minute session on how to play.

Taylor Mac believes that these distinctive characteristics give the ukulele that certain air that you don't find with any other musical instruments.

Mac feels that the connection is there "because of the humanity of the instrument". This is an instrument that almost anyone can pick up and "learn how to play three chords in about an hour, and play a song". As Mac explains, the ukulele has the unique ability to "bring joy, because people see the possibility that 'if you can do it, I can do it, too".

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