There are a number of exercises you can do to help develop your vocal chords and to help you either improve your singing voice or warm it up for use. Here are some vocal exercises that you can try:
1. Try to sing a single note then hold that note or prolong it for as long as it is possible without running out of breath.
2. Redo the previous exercise of singing a single note again but instead of singing one note, try it this time with the whole do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do scale one by one.
3. Sing the same exercise only this time, instead of using the doremi scale, use vowels. This will help you improve on how you open your mouth and how you emphasize your vowels as you sing.
4. Another exercise that you can use to prepare yourself for singing is to recite the entire vowel in one note.
5. One of the most effective and well known ways to train your voice is by practicing scales. You can practice scales by first finding out what your range is. Range can be anything from tenor to soprano. Once you know your range, use a piano or a keyboard and go up and down the doremi scale with a vowel sound, slowly increasing the pitch after each pass.
6. When doing scales, try to do it in short notes or in staccato and with the use of long notes as well.
7. You might think that tongue twisters are childish or dumb but these silly rhymes can actually help you improve your singing. Use tongue twisters to help loosen your tongue as well as your vocal chords.
8. An alternative to the usual one vowel or sound scale is one where you use "me, may, my, mow, moo" in one note then slowly going up the scale with this same set of sounds. The next thing you will need to do is to change the "m" in the set with another consonant after three tries.
9. One of the important things that you need to do when vocalizing is to do breathing exercises. Breathing the wrong way will not help improve your voice so you will need to learn proper breathing exercises and techniques as well. One breathing exercise you can use teaches you how to use your diaphragm. You simply say "shh" with your finger across your lip and let your breath out this way until you are out of breath. Do this a few times.
10. Another breathing exercise that can help you with your singing or that can be done along with other vocal exercises involves breathing in for 20 seconds and breathing out for 20 seconds after the 20-second mark for breathing in is reached.
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